Assessing climate change in the trinational upper Rhine Region: How can we operationalize vulnerability using an indicator-based, meso-scale approach?


Climate vulnerability assessments are an important prerequisite for establishing successful climate adaptation strategies. Despite a growing number of assessments on the national or global scale, there is still a need for regionalized studies with a high resolution to identify meso-scale vulnerability patterns. In this paper, we present an indicator-based assessment that was carried out in the Trinational Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine within the Interreg-V project Clim’Ability. The analyzed region is characterized by strong cross-border and transnational linkages, similar ecological features and climatic stressors but differing political, administrative, cultural and legal conditions. In this rather complex setting, we operationalized a state-of-the art vulnerability framework using 18 quantified indicators and aggregating them into a vulnerability index. We show that it is possible to downscale the methods used in recent assessments to a regional context with a challenging data situation and discuss strengths and uncertainties. The results are mapped for stakeholder communication purposes. They provide an evidence-base to the identification of the trinational vulnerability pattern and may enable stakeholders and decision-makers to enhance their own climate adaptation planning."

Assessing climate change in the trinational upper Rhine Region: How can we operationalize vulnerability using an indicator-based, meso-scale approach?
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