climate change

Automating map-making with tmap

Speed up repetitive map making with the tmap-package by iterating through multiple files with for-loops Climate Models Future climatic conditions on the regional scale are commonly modelled with different combinations of global circulation models (GCM) and regional climate model (RCM) in order to account for uncertainties surrounding the projection of future conditions1. A collection of models is called a “model ensemble” and often encompasses 20 or more different GCM-RCM combinations.

Assessing climate change in the trinational upper Rhine Region: How can we operationalize vulnerability using an indicator-based, meso-scale approach?

We present an indicator-based assessment that was carried out in the Trinational Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine.

Climate Vulnerability in the Upper Rhine Region

Applying a quantitative, indicator-based approach, the spatial patterns of climate vulnerability are analyzed. Complementary, a qualitative approach assesses how enterprises are affected by climatic stressors.

Klimawandel am Oberrhein

Das vorliegende Dossier besteht aus 24 Karten zur klimatischen Entwicklung der Trinationalen Metropolregion Oberrhein und jeweiligen Begleittexten. Das mögliche zukünftige Klima wird anhand 6 klimatologischer Indikatoren dargestellt. Diese sind namentlich: Frosttage, sommerlicher und winterlicher Niederschlag, Starkregen, Sommertageund Tropennächte. Le présent dossier se compose de 24 cartes sur le changement climatique dans la région trinationale du Rhin supérieur, et d’un texte d’accompagnement. Le climat est représenté par 6 indicateurs climatologiques. Il s’agit des jours de gel, des précipitations hivernales et estivales, des pluies intenses, journées estivales et des nuits tropicales.