
3. Introduction to spatial data in R

Foreword on working directory, data and packages Intro Treating spatial data like data frames and ploting them Understanding sf objects Geometry types Dimension Bounding box (bbox) Coordinate reference systems (crs) EPSG (SRID) proj4string Assigning and transforming crs CRS and the area of geometries Reading and writing of data Foreword on working directory, data and packages The Data for this tutorial are provided via Github. In order to reproudce the code with your own data, replace the url with your local filepath

4. Visualizing spatial data with the tmap package

Foreword on working directory, data and packages Intro Basic static Maps Interactive Maps Plot Multiple shapes and layers Facets - multiple plots in one window By assigning multiple variable names to one aesthetic: By splitting the spatial data with the by argument of tm_facets By using the tmap_arrange function Basemaps and overlay tile maps Exporting maps Quick and dirty mapping Foreword on working directory, data and packages The Data for this tutorial are provided via Github.

6. Standard tools for spatial data analysis

Foreword on working directory, data and packages Methods for simple feature objects Data set Prepare the data set Recap: using the right crs Points to polygons Clip to area of interest Comparing changes Create map(s) Foreword on working directory, data and packages The Data for this tutorial are provided via Github. In order to reproudce the code with your own data, replace the url with your local filepath If you work locally, you may define the working directory

7. Standard tools for spatial data analysis II

Foreword on working directory, data and packages Intro Methods for simple feature objects Recap: using the right crs Geometric confirmation or logical queries Geometric operations Geometric creation More advanced: aggregate, interpolate, relationships and join Aggregate Interpolation Joins Spatial joins Joins based on attributes Foreword on working directory, data and packages The Data for this tutorial are provided via Github. In order to reproudce the code with your own data, replace the url with your local filepath